I firmly believe that slave-owners knew that blacks were
just as human as whites, but I think that they so basked in the idea of having
power that they did everything in their power to not only create a clearly set
hierarchy, but also to justify their actions to themselves.
The supporters claimed that one reason for the existence of slavery was because they were instructed by God to tend
for and take care of those who could not take care of themselves. Really, these white
people knew that if they loosened the reigns of control on blacks, the blacks
would demonstrate their humanity and confirm to everyone that they were, in
fact, just as human as the white people.This is the exact reason whites put
restrictions on institutions like marriage and education. Both of these
institutions differentiate humans from animals, and because slave-owners knew
that their slaves were capable of falling in love and learning, they knew they
needed to establish control before things got “out of hand” with their slaves.
Even with all of the domination and control of slaves that existed, I
am constantly left wondering how white men and women justified rape of black
women and men. If they did not view African Americans as human, then with whom
or what did they think they were having sexual relations? Whites knew they were raping humans, not animals. To me, this is a
strong indicator that whites knew that blacks were just as human as they were. With this
being said, if white people accepted the fact that they were raping other
humans, how could that be tolerated in society? That question obviously also
refers to the institution of slavery itself as well as my continued inability to
understand how such an institution could have ever occurred let alone been tolerated
and respected. How and why did it take people so long to act against slavery?
Similarly, some people were not one-hundred percent African
American; some had “white blood” in them. This idea helped establish the
“one-drop rule” which “held the power to distinguish nearly white people from
white people,” according to Soul by Soul.
According to this logic, black and white people had different blood, yet I
question how someone could have blood of 2 different species. If white people
argued that whites and blacks had different blood, I would ask them how
offspring with “mixed blood” could properly function. We discussed in class
that typically, an illegitimate child of a white male and black slave would get
special treatment since he or she was a child of the white man. Clearly, the
white man accepts but cannot face the fact that the offspring of a black person
and a white person is indeed as much of a human as he is. On the other hand, if
whites logically believed that all humans are of one similar blood, then they
consequently believed but refused to accept the fact that black people were
just as human as white people.
This is an interesting point because of the glaring exceptions that you pointed out with regards to what the whites of this time considered to constitute a human. However, I think the white people at this time and specifically government officials with power (as their word or lack of made this institution legal) implemented whatever rules/laws they deemed necessary to keep the black people subdued. They did this regardless of the hypocrisy, loop holes, or glaring mistakes that were made in terms of exactly how they were subduing the black folk. In other words, it seems as though if too big of a loophole was found in one law or set of laws, then they simply created another law that sort of filled in that loophole but that potentially undermined or didn't exist in line with another law that had been previously created. So, basically what I'm saying is that the institution as a whole is completely backwards (in idea and in law implementation), and this is so because there is no way to consider another person inhuman; there just simply is no support for such a thing. So, the slave holders and other people with power were just doing what they could to make sense of the thing to themselves and to justify it to themselves, as you said. But it really makes NO SENSE and you've clearly pointed that out. There's no way to justify or understand their reasoning.